Subtítulos en vivo para Vimeo

Integre sin problemas 608 subtítulos en las transmisiones en vivo que se publiquen en Vimeo. Elige entre subtítulos automatizados en tiempo real o subtituladores CART profesionales. Ideal para clientes de Vimeo Advanced y Enterprise que organizan eventos virtuales, híbridos o presenciales y seminarios web en vivo.

Subtítulos, subtítulos y traducciones de voz automatizadas en tiempo real (también conocido como doblaje con IA) para los flujos de trabajo de AWS Elemental

Solución integral para cubrir
Necesidades de subtitulado en las transmisiones en vivo a Vimeo

Live streams & broadcasts
using HLS, RTMP(S) & SRT protocols
in-person Events
using QR codes

Instantly add high-quality AI-powered captions, subtitles, and voice translations for church sermons, services, derashots, congregation sessions, khutbahs, or other religious events. Fully cloud-based solution. Support for  multiple live streaming protocols as well as in-room use. Ideal to reach international followers and ensure accessibility for deaf and hard-of-hearing members of the community.

Cumpla con la accesibilidad obligatoria for live streams and broadcasts
Obtenga una mayor precisión en los subtítulos & increase viewership
Localize live sermons, derashots, or khutbahs with subtitles and audio translations in 100+ languages
Ampliar el alcance de la audiencia with a simple live streaming workflow
Archivo de transcripciones options for desktop and mobile
Usa tu existente to live captions and translations for in-room attendees
Altamente escalable to support unlimited concurrent live streams
Integración sencillaMediaLive, MediaPackage & MediaConnect
No se deje limitar por el crédito de subtitulado to ensure captions appear on screen with no delay to the spoken words
Robust API to seamlessly automate live captioning and translation workflows
Use your existing human captioning

service, if needed

Plataforma integral para incrustar subtítulos en las transmisiones en vivo de Vimeo

Solución rentable, escalable y confiable para agregar 608 subtítulos a cualquier transmisión RTMP (S) que se transmita a Vimeo. Compatible con el software de transmisión en vivo estándar. Totalmente basado en la nube, no se requiere hardware.


Live AI Captioning

Add automatic captions instantly in over 50 languages. SyncWords’ AI-powered captions support languages from all over the world, including Asian, Middle Eastern, and Cyrillic-based languages. Provide regional language variations to connect more closely with your viewers. Use custom dictionaries to enhance captioning accuracy.

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Live CART Captioning

The SyncWords’ platform is compatible with all standard human captioning systems. Use SyncWords Managed services or bring your own captioners to deliver captions to an SRT, RTMP(S), or HLS stream of your religious services.

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Live AI Subtitling

Use advanced machine translation capabilities to convert live AI captions to foreign subtitles in over 100 languages. Powered by SyncWords’ proprietary Sync technology, translated captions in live streams are delivered with no delay on any device. Seamless integration with current religious live streaming workflows.

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Live AI Voice Dubbing

Take translations to another level by instantly delivering live AI voice dubbing with any live SRT or HLS stream of worship centers. Highly cost-effective & simple solution, with over 900 AI female and male voice options for 50+ languages.

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Key Benefits

Support for 50+ source languages (including different character sets)
Múltiples opciones de visualización (including regional variations)
Enhanced accuracyIlimitado
Highly cost-effective,
Compared to live interpreters
7 idiomas de origen using HLS, RTMP(S) & SRT protocols
24 horas
Totalmente compatible con API to automate workflows
Flujos de trabajo mixtos compatibles: 

Delivery in any HLS player:
JWS, THEOplayer, HLS. js, Video.js
Low-touch: no transcoding, no hardware, fully cloud-based
Multiple display options for desktop & mobile
Support for HD & 4K live streams
Integration with popular live streaming platforms: AWS, Dacast, etc.
QR-code delivery for in-room audiences

Más allá de los subtítulos incrustados en Vimeo.

Una ventanilla única para subtítulos automáticos en vivo, subtítulos y traducciones de voz con IA. Haz que las transmisiones en directo y los eventos de RTMP (S) sean accesibles e inclusivos añadiendo SyncWords a tu transmisión en HLS o SRT.

Protocolo de transmisión HLS

Inserta fácilmente subtítulos, subtítulos y traducciones de audio con IA en tiempo real en una transmisión en directo para mejorar la accesibilidad y la inclusión. Solución escalable y altamente rentable para transmitir su contenido de vídeo en directo en varios idiomas en cualquier dispositivo o pantalla. Canales simultáneos ilimitados para transmitir diferentes tipos de programas en vivo.

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Protocolo SRT Streaming

El streaming SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) es una forma moderna, segura y fiable de ofrecer contenido de vídeo en directo. Añada sin esfuerzo subtítulos en tiempo real a esas transmisiones con los subtítulos AI o CART de SyncWords. Se puede usar con estudios virtuales, producciones remotas en directo o servicios de subtitulado basados en software para mejorar la accesibilidad.

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The SyncWords’ platform provides a simple way to ingest HLS streams while adding perfectly synchronized captioning and language translations for religious broadcasts. The final HLS stream can include as many translated languages as needed using automated subtitling and voice dubbing.

No transcoding of video stream required to provide real-time captioning, subtitling and AI audio translations. Run unlimited concurrent church, synagogue, or mosque live streams, including HD and 4K UHD.

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Subtítulos, subtítulos y traducciones de voz automatizadas en directo (también conocido como doblaje con IA) mediante los protocolos de transmisión en directo RTMP (S) y SRT con AWS Elemental

Delivery of Captions and Translations for In-Person Attendees of Your Religious Service

Display live captions, subtitles and AI voice translations on screens or via QR code on any portable device like laptop, tablet, or mobile. SyncWords provides an easy way to enhance accessibility and offer inclusivity to all in-room followers.

QR Code for Easy Access on Mobile

SyncWords' human and ASR transcription, AI captioning, AI subtitling, and AI dubbing for VOD - main features
Friendly UX
One point of access – Multiple languages, Easy language selection and switching.
SyncWords' human and ASR transcription, AI captioning, AI subtitling, and AI dubbing for VOD - main features
Visual branding enhancement
Flexible color settings, logo use, pattern, frame, shape, etc.
SyncWords' human and ASR transcription, AI captioning, AI subtitling, and AI dubbing for VOD - main features
Basic and granular analytics
Number of scans, time, location, device, etc.
Automated Captions - QR codes
Custom QR Codes
Live translations with QR code
Live Translations with QR code
QR access to the
Library of languages
Automated live subtitles with QR code
Live Captions and Translations - QR code on mobile

Use la API RESTful de SyncWords para agregar

Select one or more options to ensure the best viewing experience for all members of your congregation, whether on desktop or mobile devices.

Gestione sin problemas la adición de subtítulos automáticos a sus transmisiones RTMP (S) con la API avanzada de SyncWords. Crea, accede, actualiza y monitoriza eventos en tiempo real:

Intégralo en for all live church sessions
Usa JSON o YAMLlike JWP, THEOplayer, HLS. js, Video.js, etc.
Sumérjase en los puntos finales de las API for multiple video resolutions
Gestiona una colección de Postman via your player menu

¿Ya usa AWS Elemental? ¿Quiere que sus transmisiones en directo sean accesibles e inclusivas las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana?

Add SyncWords to your AWS Elemental workflow. SyncWords’ seamless integration into AWS Elemental MediaLive & MediaPackage means you can:

Genera automáticamente subtítulos de IA en vivoin 50+ languages with enhanced accuracy
Traducir a subtítulos extranjerosin 100+ languages instantly
Proporcione automáticamente doblaje de audio en directo en más de 50 idiomas con más de 900 opciones de voz de IA
Aproveche la funcionalidad DVR de AWS Elemental MediaPackagewhile preserving live captions and translations
Utilice Amazon CloudFrontas your CDN
Benefit from SyncWords’ RESTful API

Automatic Live Captioning & Translation Workflow
Using HLS Streaming Protocol for Any House of Worship

Cost-effective solution for automatic live dubbing with natural-sounding AI voices. Seamless integration into existing streaming workflows. Perfect for 4K streaming.

HLS video stream with SyncWords' live captions, subtitles and voice translations using AWS Elemental workflows
Client HLS
Video Stream
Caption and translate with SyncWords in HLS video stream
Logo of SyncWords Live Platform
Live Platform
Live AI Captions &
SyncWords' automated live captions and AI translations for live streams and events
Use Amazon CloudFront or use your own CDN for live AI captioning, subtitling and dubbing
NO TRANSCODING of video necessary
Receives live video with
new Playlist to include
Auto-generation of live AI captions, subtitles and voice translations in HLS video player

This live captioning solution by passes the need for expensive CC hardware and adds the ability to provide subtitles and AI voice translations in 100+ simultaneous languages per channel

+100 simultaneous languages per channel

This live captioning solution by passes the need for expensive CC hardware and adds the ability to provide subtitles and AI voice translations in 100+ simultaneous languages per channel

Use SyncWords’ robust API to addAI captioning & translation to live streams of church sermons

SyncWords’ API empowers you to seamlessly manage your streaming services within the SyncWords Live platform. Whether you're setting up new services, accessing service details, making updates, or monitoring real-time status, our RESTful API streamlines the process:

Integration into your existing live streaming software application
Support for JSON and YAML data formats
Detailed information on API endpoints and authentication
Postman collection with detailed documentation with quick start guides
Swagger implementation
SyncWords' robust API for real-time automatic captioning and translations for live streams and live events

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