Automated Captions and Translations
Using AWS Elemental

Adding SyncWords to AWS Elemental means enabling multilingual AI-powered closed captions, foreign subtitles, and voice translations. Seamlessly integrate your existing live video workflow to make all your AWS live stream channels accessible and inclusive in a cost-effective and scalable way.

Live Automated Captions, Subtitles and Voice Translations (aka AI dubbing) for AWS Elemental workflows

Designed to Integrate

with cutting-edge high-end AWS Elemental streaming ecosystem
Seamless integration into
AWS Elemental workflows
SyncWords and AWS Elemental MediaLive for real-time automated captioning, subtitling and translationsSyncWords and AWS Elemental MediaConnect for real-time automated captioning using Secure Reliable TransportSyncWords and AWS Elemental MediaPackage for real-time automated captioning, subtitling and translationsSyncWords and Amazon CloudFront for real-time automated captioning, subtitling and translationsSyncWords and Amazon CloudFront for real-time automated captioning, subtitling and translationsSyncWords and Amazon S3 for real-time automated captioning, subtitling and translations
Amazon IVS
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon S3
live HLS channels with SyncWords' live AI captioning, subtitling and voice dubbing

Take all your existing live HLS and SRT channels and easily add SyncWords with its live AI captioning, subtitling and voice dubbing. Programmatically kick off live streaming with SyncWords using our robust API.

One-Stop Platform to Caption and Translate Live Streams

Built based on AWS Elemental workflows
Meet mandated accessibility and inclusivity requirements for live streaming
Expand audience reach & increase viewership
Deploy accurately captioned and translated concurrent live channels fully in the cloud
Deliver live streams inside HLS players with all DVR features being preserved
Use Amazon CloudFront as your CDN
Make live programming accessible in 50+ languages instantly
Localize live channels to 100+ languages within seconds
Automatically provide live audio dubbing in 50+ languages with over 900 AI voice options
Flawless low-latency caption insertion into SRT streams using AWS Elemental MediaConnect

Adding SyncWords to your AWS Elemental workflow means: simple, scalable and instant delivery of accurate and well-synchronized  live captions, subtitles, and AI voice translations.

One-Stop Platform to Caption and Translate Live Streams for AWS Elemental workflows


highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Support for 50+ source languages (including different character sets)
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Translations to 100+ target languages (including ent character sets)
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Enhanced accuracy with ASR dictionaries & Translation Glossaries
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Highly cost-effective.
Compared to live interpreters
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Low-touch: no transcoding, no hardware, fully cloud-based
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
24/7 availability
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Instant language scalability
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Unlimited concurrent streams
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Multiple display options for desktop & mobile
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Delivery in any HLS player:
JWS, THEOplayer, HLS. js, Video.js
highly cost effective live interpretation for virtual, hybrid and in-person events
Fully API-supported to automate workflows

Live AI Captions, Subtitles & Voice Translations Delivered in Real-time to Any HLS player

Leverage your AWS Elemental workflow and provide users with an elevated viewing experience on desktop or mobile devices.

Enable automatic live captions, subtitles and voice translations directly inside an HLS video player to enhance inclusivity of your live programming and events. Use one or all three outputs depending on your needs.

Instant language scalability to over 100 languages
Support for standard HLS players like JWP, THEOplayer, HLS. js, Video.js, etc.
Perfect solution for multiple video resolutions
Easily switch between captions, subtitles and AI voice translations via your player menu
Live AI Captions, Subtitles & Voice Translations Delivered in Real-time to Any HLS player

Multi-language Automatic Captioning & Translation Solution for AWS Elemental Workflows

Make any live stream or event accessible and inclusive with automatic live captions, subtitles, and voice translations using your existing HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) workflow. Effortlessly customize or integrate an end-to-end streaming solution to cover all live programming needs.

SyncWords & AWS Elemental MediaPackage Workflow for HLS Live Streaming
AWS Elemental
Optional Translation
Automatic Voice
+50 languages
Machine Translated
+100 languages
+50 languages
Web Dev
HLS Push
Web Dev
VTT Dubs
IAM/Web Dev
HLS Push to MediaPackage
AWS Elemental MediaPackage
SyncWords & AWS Elemental MediaPackage Workflow for HLS Live Streaming with CDN Publishing
AWS Elemental
+50 languages
HLS Push
AWS Elemental MediaPackage
Optional Translation
Machine Translated
+50 languages
Automatic Voice
+100 languages
HLS Push
Client CDN
HLS Push to MediaPackage
SRT Workflow for Caption Insertion
via Contribution
AWS Elemental MediaPackage
HLS Transcode
AWS Elemental
SRT Stream
Clean Feed AVC/HEVC
SRT User Data
No Added
SRT Ingest
AWS Elemental MediaConnect
SRT Workflow for Caption Insertion
via Contribution
SRT Stream
Clean Feed AVC/HEVC
SRT User Data
No Added
SRT Ingest
AWS Elemental MediaConnect
HLS Transcode
AWS Elemental
AWS Elemental MediaPackage

One Platform to Support Different Live Streaming Protocols

Not using an HLS workflow? SyncWords has you covered. Make live programming accessible and inclusive to a broader audience using SRT, or RTMP(S) live streams.

RTMP(S) Streaming ProTOCOL

Easily embed 608 captions in live video content being streamed to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and other video sharing platforms. Choose between 7 supported languages and make your live streaming accessible for deaf and hard of hearing audiences. Streamline the captioning process using SyncWords' RESTful API.

Learn More

SRT Streaming protocol

Seamlessly embed 608 captions and AI voice translations in live video content using Secure Reliable Transport to meet accessibility and inclusivity regulations. Perfect solution for virtual studios, remote live production, and software-based captioning. Unlimited concurrent channels. Compatible with AWS Elemental MediaConnect for flawless live caption insertion. Automate the live captioning process with SyncWords’ robust API.

Learn More
Live Automated captions, subtitles and voice translations (aka AI dubbing) using RTMP(S) and SRT live streaming protocols with AWS Elemental

Scalable Live AI Captioning, Subtitling & Dubbing with SyncWords’ API

Seamlessly Integrate the World’s Best AI-powered Captioning & Translation Solution Directly into Your AWS Elemental Workflows

Everything you need in one place. SyncWords' robust API allows you to run new services, retrieve service details, make necessary updates, or monitor stream statuses in real-time:

Integration into your existing live streaming application or platform
Support for JSON and YAML data formats
Detailed information on API endpoints and authentication
Postman collection with quick start guides
Swagger implementation
SyncWords' robust API for real-time automatic captioning and translations for live streams and live events

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